They had flags and lots of posters. I could not tell if they were Republicans or Libertarians. They definitly hate Obama though...The flavor of the day is the health plan. From what I could see, most of them were already or soon to be on Medicaid....They dont want to be like Canadians....Hmmm.
These weren't Republicans or Libertarians.
These people were from the Cleburne Wal-Mart Shoppers Against The Obama Health Plan party. They were on work-release.
They appear to be members of the Sorehead Party. They even manage to piss each other off.
The Divine Sarah draws a lot of her support from them.
I disagree that they are Wal-mart shoppers against Obama. I did not see one pair of baby blue or pale pink sweat pants.
They could have been from the local HEB. That place pulls in what wont go into Wal-Mart...Pretty scary.
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