
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

It has been a good while since I have posted anything on this blog site.  Life has been busy, chaotic and down right crazy.  There have been a lot of changes in my life.  I have had really high highs and some very low lows.  But that is life I guess.

Recently, after taking on a new, uncircumcised, lover, I developed a ravaging yeast infection.  I have only had one before in my life.  I don't remember it being as bad as this one.  I had the reddest, ooziest hoo hah in all of Texas.  It was like someone left the soft serve ice cream machine on for days. One of the issues, I did not realize I had a yeast infection until it had taken over my entire pussy. 

I went to the pharmacy and spent about 20 minutes trying to decide which version of Monistat would work best.  I did  not care who saw me.  I was foaming down there!! I settled on a 3 day treatment with topical cream. That evening I washed and applied per the instructions.  There was not instant relief.

The next day, was like the ice cream machine was still on.  And I developed an itch.  I have never had an itch like that in my life.  Mind you, I do some pretty heavy grooming down there.  The stubble was not helping my irritated twat at all.  When I got home from work, I thought I was literally going to rub my pussy raw.  It itched so bad.  And the cream did not help.  I remembered that I had a can of anti fungal spray that we had bought for our cats ring worm. I dug through a couple of boxes and found it.  Ran to the bathroom.  Put my left foot on the side of the toilet.  PUlled up my night gown.  And doused my open nether region with the spray.  HUGE MISTAKE!!  It felt like my pussy had been dipped in hot metal.  Not only did it itch, it now had a chemical burn. 

I have always believed that pain from an injury will subside in about 2 minutes.  You know, if you slam your finger in the door or stub your toe, 2 minutes.  This was the longest two minutes of my entire life.  IT felt like the lips of my twat were shrinking back unto themselves.  IT was the worst feeling ever.  I could not even touch it.  And through the whole painful experience, my twat still itched.

After I wiped away the tears, I managed to put my legs together.  My hoo hoo was numb with pain.  I inserted the day 2 suppository and went to bed.

Day 3.  Very much like day 2.  Itching.  but being a quick learner, I figured out a way to use the spray without causing myself horrible horrible pain.  I kept my panties on.  So, imagine if you will.  A healthy size woman in denim blue boy shorts spraying tenactin between her legs.  I had strips of white powder all along the leg line of my panties.  IT is a cute look.

While all of this is going on, I also experienced the most stress that I have ever experienced at work.  It was horrible. I really thought that I would no longer have a job by the end of the week.  Stress and an itchy twat are not a good mix.

On Day 4, still itchy.  So, I go buy the strongest pussy suppository on the shelf.  The next day, no more itching. 

Day 6.  I think I may shave today.  With a little luck, my hoo hoo will get some action this weekend.  Preferably, yeast free.


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Mitakka said...

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