
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Guest blogger-Grandpa Simpson

Back in my day, let me tell ya....we didnt smoke the fancy things called cigarettes...we smoked puppies....Just rolled them up and smoked em, we did...yeah....Where am I?


Kahuna said...

WOW.......you're hitting close to my home there femm. Another such character once said, regarding prophylactics, "we didn't have 'em, we just put rabbit skin on our dinks and we liked it, we LOVED it".

Sew daze said...

In my day, we walked 5 miles up hill to school both ways, yeah, and we liked it!!

AssX said...

Back in my day....oh wait, it IS my day! Sorry.

Kahuna said...

OUCH.......why you gotta be so mean on Xmas eve, X? nice butt.

AssX said...

Ho Ho Hoe...

Dr Ralph said...

Fembuttx (and your various altered egos): The smoking discussion "elsewhere" could have used your derailing. Much too much self-important pontificating (except for me, of course).

They even said I looked like Trotsky.

BTW, not to encourage you, but your mirroring of the other WS of late has been fairly hilarious.

Sew daze said...

Thank you thank you...The problem is that when the posts are sooooo long....I really dont want to read all of that rubbish...LOL..Pontificate smoking...Pontificate Liberals...Pontificate Conservatism

I will give it my best shot today...He cant delete me!!

AssX said...

Why waste your time??? Who the hell CARES about who pontificates what where they do it as long as they do it??? And who they do it with?
I want to know who the hell icepick is...I know you are hiding someTHING from us.

Good to see you Dr. Ralph!

Kahuna said...

X, you ok there honey? You seem to be getting a little worked up. Not getting any lately? That would have to be by choice with a butt like yours

Kahuna said...

OH, glad you stopped by Doc, you always lend an air of respectability, not really our long suit.

AssX said...

Kahuna, I get more than my fair share. Being multi-orgasmic, I tend to get more than I need at times.

Sew daze said...

Where is cottonball??

Kahuna said...

X, you're probably a screamer too.

femm, Cotton is under my desk.........that ought to ger her going.

AssX said...

No, I MAKE THEM scream...and not for help.

Kahuna said...

OH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!

"chips, dips, chains, whips, just your standard high school orgy" (Kelly LeBrock, Weird Science)

AssX said...

Cotton Top informed me that the powers that be are looking over her shoulder...she is going to move her desk around so all she sees is me...and my AssX.

Kahuna said...

ahh, well that's understandable. nice assx

Sew daze said...


Kahuna said...

Yes, truly. New guys have to hit home runs. It's just business, but it sucks. I still don't see this guy as a "confident" hetero.

Sew daze said...

danged ole baptist in the closet dill hole

mouthy said...

True he may not be the man of your dreams but such a nice dresser. I know assx gets plenty her way her multi O's happen over the phone she has quite an imagination.