
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Trotsky and the ice pick

I shit you not...I went to google images and googled ice pick....This is what I got. Trotsky punishing two sisters with an ice pick.....Paris Hilton having sex. Does this look like someone we know??


Kahuna said...

I just can't talk about this horrible bastard or any of his kind. They are the spawn of satan, deserving of the slowest, most painful journey to death followed by eternal damnation.

Now, Paris doin' it is something I could get behind......what a nice young lady, spreading her "Christmas cheer".....HOHOHO.

Kahuna said...

The chick on the right is kinda cute though.......

Sew daze said...

You just like big butts.

Kahuna said...

....I cannot lie,........

Dr Ralph said...

Bad news -- the image is a fake. To quote from the page where this image was lifted, "The pic isn't real, though."

The OW (original Whited) will tell you: I'm a real killjoy.

Sew daze said...

Well dang it..RAlph...But it was a surprise when that image popped up for those search words.

CottonTop said...

Kahuna....something you could "get behind"....really? I do agree with the HOHOHO though.

Kahuna said...

Yes, Cotton, you hit it on the head..........well.....nothin'....