
Monday, April 27, 2009

What is good looking?

Would you consider this guy or maybe gal good looking?

Please discuss.


Kahuna said...

NO, and I assume you don't. I fear this is partially my fault for not commenting on the butt week. I promise if you bring back good butts or quality cleavage, I will comment my ass off. Please, no more mummified gorillas or whatever that thing is. I hope your move went well.

Sew daze said...

It is all your fault. I had some pretty creative stuff out there...weird but creative...I need to feel the love.

Kahuna said...

Sorry Femm, you know I love you, I'll try harder......

AssX said...

I actually think whatever it is has potential. But that's just the weirdness that is me!

Kahuna said...

hi X, thought you forgot us.

AssX said...

How could I forget about you guys? I would have to be very silly to forget you guys...

Kahuna said...

Well, it's good to hear from you X. I trust all is going well?