
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lady bugs

This is how I would like my life to be. Seems peaceful to me. I would not have a nemisis, the Whited. I wouldnt have to worry about car payments electricity etc. I could just mill around a pole like these lady bugs or twist around a pole like a stripper after the Navy has arrived...Same thing?


Kahuna said...

Sounds like celibacy is starting to unravel your nugget. Might out to let one of those Navy boys have a go at it.

John's Arts & Crafts said...

Great photo & analogy! You might wonder what these ladybugs are doing on this post? When I think they might think this is a tree and they are looking for a hollowed out tree for a new nesting box! Some insects require nesting boxes. New blog on Ladybug need a home: http://ladybugneedahome.blogspot.com/2008/08/lady-bugs-need-home.html