Or maybe I could get my own pole? There are so many choices.... This one comes with a man.......
This one comes with a cage. I guess cages could be useful in pole dancing. This one even has a trap door. It could be used for magic shows too. I need to find a pole with a harness. It is going to be the only way I get my butt wrapped around it upside down.
femm, try the "swing". I know you have one. It's a multi-purpose apparatus.
Remember what happened to Randy with the Swing and the ladder in the garage??
If I use a swing, it will be in the park. Maybe at night...(wink)
No, I think one with a net would be the better bet. That way you could just bounce back on it.
Bounce back on the pole, the harness?? Maybe a trampoline is in order....Now that would be interesting...
With all that bouncing, no offense boob, you girls must be pretty athletic. But, you might want to keep a neck brace and Vicodin handy. OH, femm, don't forget yer jock....
Yeah, dont want bruises on my chin.....Boob will have blackeyes.
Dangerous equipment you ladies have there. Please exercise caution
You can call me caution and I'll exercise with you girls you know spot lifting just to make sure things don't fall.
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