
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

To Oyster or not


blog deleted said...

YES!! Oysters...what a wonderful slimy sensation. Almost as if you are swallowing...

CottonTop said...

And tastes much better!!!

Kahuna said...

Boob, I knew you seemed familiar.......you're Courtney Love!

blog deleted said...

so you know my group "Hole"???

Kahuna said...

I always thought that name was fitting for someone who uses every orifice so adeptly.

woodchuck said...

oysters will be a great start to a perfect evening with good friends.
Please be there or I'll get bored.

Sew daze said...

Just say when. You need a picture Woodchuck.

woodchuck said...

Dec. 11th 6:00pm if a week night not good we'll have to talk and plan a weekend night. Do you really like the way they feel as they slide down your throat?